编辑:宝星微科技 | 发布时间:2023-03-22 11:41 | 浏览次数:226
根据环球时报报道,原定在2021年举办、之后因疫情延期的第六届中国天津国际直升机博览会(简称直博会)将于今年9月举行。外界普遍将本次展会看作是展示我国直升机近几年发展新成果以及未来发展方向的重要平台。The sixth China Tianjin International Helicopter Expo, originally scheduled for 2021 but postponed due to the epidemic, will be held in September this year, according to the Global Times. The exhibition is widely regarded as an important platform to show the new achievements and future development direction of Chinese helicopters in recent years.
“航空工业”官方微博账号20日晚发布消息称,因疫情延期的第六届天津直博会将于2023年9月14日至17日在天津空港经济区举行。据介绍,本届直博会将带来国产直升机飞行表演与专业直升机行业动态。天津直博会官方网站显示,9月14日、15日为专业日,16日、17日为公众开放日。The sixth Tianjin Helicopter Expo, postponed due to the epidemic, will be held at Tianjin Airport Economic Zone from September 14 to 17, 2023, according to a statement posted on the official Weibo account of "Aviation Industry" on Monday evening. According to reports, this Expo will bring domestic helicopter flight show and professional helicopter industry dynamics. According to the official website of the Tianjin Helicopter Expo, Sept. 14 and 15 are professional days, while Sept. 16 and 17 are open days for the public
据天津直博会官方网站介绍,天津直博会是经国务院批准,我国唯一带有飞行表演的国家级国际直升机专业展会,每两年举办一届。天津直博会旨在营造直升机在中国乃至亚洲产业发展的良性环境,为全球直升机厂家提供展示与交流的平台,促进国际直升机产业合作、创新与发展。According to the official website of Tianjin Direct Expo, Tianjin Helicopter Expo is approved by The State Council, China's only state-level international helicopter exhibition with flight shows, held every two years. Tianjin Direct Expo aims to create a benign environment for the development of the helicopter industry in China and even Asia, provide a platform for global helicopter manufacturers to display and exchange, and promote the cooperation, innovation and development of the international helicopter industry.
在2019年10月初举办的第五届直博会上,直-20中型多用途直升机首次对公众进行静态展示,陆军“风雷”飞行表演队直-10武装直升机、直-19武装直升机与直-20多用途直升机等上演精彩飞行表演,引得现场观众阵阵欢呼。今年,除去直博会的“老面孔”直-10、直-19、直-20,已经在2022年珠海航展上亮相的直-8L运输直升机有望首次在直博会露面。At the 5th Helicopter Expo held in early October 2019, the Zhi-20 medium multi-role helicopter put on a static display to the public for the first time. The Fenglei aerobatic team of the army staged a splendid flight display of the Zhi-10 attack helicopter, the Zhi-19 attack helicopter and the Zhi-20 multi-role helicopter, which drew cheers from the audience. This year, in addition to Zhi-10, Zhi-19 and Zhi-20, the Zhi-8L transport helicopter, which was already shown at the 2022 Zhuhai Airshow, is expected to make its debut at the Expo.
另外,2019年直博会还展出了陆航多用途无人机KVD001。据现场展板介绍,该型无人机具备远程通信中继、战场侦察监视、目标照射引导等功能,可与攻击直升机协同作战。今年的直博会是否会有可以配合直升机行动的新型无人机亮相,值得关注。一位军事专家21日对《环球时报》记者表示,虽然之前直博会受疫情影响延期,但在这期间我国直升机发展并没有放慢脚步。时隔4年,今年的直博会必将带来新发展、新技术、新产品。Also on display at the 2019 Helicopter Expo is the land aviation multi-purpose drone KVD001. According to the exhibition panel, the UAV is equipped with functions such as remote communication relay, battlefield reconnaissance and surveillance, target irradiation and guidance, and can cooperate with attack helicopters. It will be interesting to see if this year will see the unveiling of new drones that can accompany helicopter operations. China's helicopter development has not slowed down during the expo, which was postponed due to COVID-19, a military expert told the Global Times on Tuesday. After four years, this year's Helicopter Expo is sure to bring new developments, new technologies and new products.
2021年6月在天津举行的中国第二届“云龙杯”未来直升机设计大赛上,《环球时报》记者曾就中国直升机的发展方向,采访该领域的顶级专家。航空工业直升机所总设计师邓景辉介绍,从型号谱系来说,我国需要40吨级的重型直升机来解决大型物资的运输问题,另外目前欧美都在推进高速直升机项目。直升机作为高新技术融合的载体,人工智能、物联网、5G通信、新能源、新材料等新技术的发展,都可能给它带来革命性变化。航空工业直升机所所长许建华提到,未来直升机的样式有可能发生很大改变,将颠覆传统的“旋翼带尾桨”直升机模式,国外正在发展电驱动旋翼飞行器、跨介质变体旋翼飞行器、模块化组合旋翼飞行器等各类新构型、新概念旋翼飞行器。At the second "Yunlong Cup" Future Helicopter Design Competition held in Tianjin in June 2021, Global Times reporters interviewed top experts in this field about the development direction of Chinese helicopters. Deng Jinghui, chief designer of the Aviation Industry Helicopter Institute, said that from the model spectrum, China needs a 40-ton heavy helicopter to solve the transportation problem of large materials, and currently Europe and the United States are promoting high-speed helicopter projects. As a carrier of high-tech integration, the development of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, 5G communication, new energy, new materials and other new technologies may bring revolutionary changes to the helicopter. Xu Jianhua, director of Aviation Industry Helicopter Institute, mentioned that the future helicopter style is likely to change a lot, will overturn the traditional "rotor with tail rotor" helicopter mode, foreign countries are developing all kinds of new configuration and new concept of rotor aircraft, such as electric drive rotor aircraft, transmedium variant rotor aircraft, modular composite rotor aircraft.