编辑:宝星微科技 | 发布时间:2023-03-23 10:53 | 浏览次数:251
2023年3月18日,来自俄罗斯的蜂蜜、伏特加、奶粉、冰淇淋等多种商品与来自14个国家和地区的其他商品一起在上海进博会小商品集市上开售。A variety of commodities from Russia, including honey, vodka, milk powder and ice cream went on sale along with other commodities from 14 countries and regions at the CIIE (China International Imports Expo) Commodity Bazaar in Shanghai on March 18, 2023.
“我第一次在第一届进博会上购买俄罗斯蜂蜜。然后我经常去俄罗斯馆补充库存。新的集市就在我家门口,这对我来说方便多了,”当地居民顾说。“I bought Russian honey at the first CIIE for the first time. Then I often went to the Russia pavilion to refill my stock. The new bazaar is just at my door step, which is much more convenient for me,” said Gu, a local resident.
当天,俄罗斯商品的销售额占总销售额的 15%,销售额超过 15 万元人民币(21,765 美元)。On that day, sales of Russian commodities made up 15 percent of the total sales, which generated over 150,000 yuan ($21,765).
这张照片拍摄于 2022 年 11 月 6 日,展示了在中国东部上海举行的第五届中国国际进口博览会 (CIIE) 上俄罗斯产品的展位。(新华社/郑东瑞)
This photo taken on Nov. 6, 2022 shows the booth for products of Russia at the fifth China International Import Expo (CIIE) in east China's Shanghai. (Xinhua/Zheng Dongrui)
近年来,上海与俄罗斯的经济合作稳步推进。根据上海市商务委员会发布的数据,它们之间的贸易额从 2015 年的近 280.5 亿元人民币(40.7 亿美元)猛增至 2022 年的近 608.9 亿元人民币(88.3 亿美元)。In recent years, economic cooperation between Shanghai and Russia has seen steady progress. According to data released by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, the trade volume between them has skyrocketed from nearly 28.05 billion yuan ($4.07 billion) in 2015 to nearly 60.89 billion yuan ($8.83 billion) in 2022.
随着过去五届进博会的成功举办,俄罗斯展商逐渐成为中国市场的投资者。俄罗斯馆自成立以来,已与近800家中国企业建立联系,将200多种俄罗斯产品推向中国市场。With the success of the past five CIIEs, Russian exhibitors have gradually become investors in the Chinese market. Since its establishment, the Russia pavilion has built connections with nearly 800 Chinese companies, and brought over 200 Russian products to the Chinese market.
2020年10月,在第三届进博会开幕前夕,俄罗斯馆落户绿地全球商品交易港,常年销售全球商品。一个月后,该馆推出了广受欢迎的 Hmapka 冰淇淋,随后从中国买家那里获得了总计近 1400 万元人民币(203 万美元)的订单。In October 2020, before the inauguration of the third CIIE, Russia pavilion settled in Greenland Global Commodity Trading Hub, which offers sales of products around the world all year round. The pavilion launched the popular Hmapka ice cream a month later and subsequently garnered orders totaling nearly 14 million yuan ($2.03 million) from Chinese buyers.
在2022年第五届进博会之前,俄罗斯馆带来了1000多种俄罗斯商品,包括食品、饮料和化妆品。展示马克发面粉和阿兰卡巧克力等优质产品并出售给客户。Prior to the fifth CIIE in 2022, the Russia pavilion brought over 1,000 kinds of Russian goods which include food, beverages and cosmetics. High-quality products like Makfa flour and Alenka chocolates are exhibited and sold to customers.
俄罗斯酒类公司Tatspirtprom在第三届进博会期间向中国客户展示了其六个伏特加品牌,并在长三角获得了稳定的客户群。公司销售业务已扩展到中国10多个城市。Russian alcohol company Tatspirtprom presented its six vodkas brand to Chinese customers during the third CIIE, and received a solid clientele in the Yangtze River Delta. The company’s sales have expanded to more than 10 cities in China.
2023 年 3 月 16 日,一列开往莫斯科的中欧货运列车从中国首都北京平谷区马坊火车站出发。(新华社/任超)
A China-Europe freight train heading for Moscow departs from Mafang railway station in Pinggu District of Beijing, capital of China, on March 16, 2023. (Xinhua/Ren Chao)
沪俄班列也为中俄经贸合作稳步推进作出了贡献。Freight trains between Shanghai and Russia also contribute to steady progress of trade and economic cooperation between China and Russia.
2022年,上海共开行中欧班列58列。其中,有 38 列火车开往俄罗斯,装载了 3,772 个标准箱的货物,总重量为 30,044.2 吨,价值 9.8 亿元人民币(1.42 亿美元)。In 2022, Shanghai handled 58 China-Europe freight trains. Of them, 38 trains were bound for Russia, which were loaded with 3,772 TEUs of goods with a total weight of 30,044.2 tons and worth 980 million yuan ($142 million).
2023 年前两个月,上海共开行 8 列开往俄罗斯的中欧货运列车,运载货物 880 个标准箱,总重量 6,963.3 吨,总价值 2.2 亿元人民币(3,200 万美元)。中国出口的主要产品是空调、电梯、布料和日化产品。In the first two months of 2023, Shanghai handled eight China-Europe freight trains bound for Russia, carrying 880 TEUs of goods with a total weight of 6,963.3 tons and a total value of 220 million yuan ($32 million). The main exports from China were air conditioners, elevators, fabrics and daily chemical products.