编辑:宝星微科技 | 发布时间:2020-01-11 10:06 | 浏览次数:359
SST25VF040B-50-4I-SAF串行闪存的应用家庭联网 ,HDTV,蓝牙 ,可穿戴设备,SL和电缆调制解调器,平板电脑,硬盘驱动器,台式电脑,笔记本电脑,上网本,打印机,无线LAN,机顶盒,LCD监视器,数字无线电.
SST25VF040B-50-4I-SAF 串行外设接口:模式0和模式3
SST25VF040B-50-4I-SAF8引脚SOIC、 薄型8触点WSON和8球XFBGA Z-Scale
SST25VF040B-50-4I-SAF 工作电压2.3–3.6V
SST25VF040B-50-4I-SAF时钟频率最高可达104 MHz
SST25VF040B-50-4I-SAF灵活的擦除功能4 KB均一扇区擦除,32/64 KB块擦除
数据保持时间:100年(最小值)快速扇区擦除或块擦除时间:18 ms(典型值)
字节编程时间:7 μs(典型值) 读操作时的工作电流:10 mA(典型值)
待机电流:5 μA(典型值)经验证的技术
CMOS SuperFlash技术可提高数据保持和耐擦写能力,减少擦除时间并降低功耗,这使Microchip串行闪存成为便携式设计的理想选择。
The 25 series Serial Flash family features a four-wire,SPI-compatible interface that allows for a low pin-count package which occupies less board space and ultimately lowers total system costs. The SST25VF040B devices are enhanced with improved operating frequency and even lower power consumption.SST25VF040B SPI serial flash memories are manufactured with proprietary, high-performance CMOS SuperFlash technology. The split-gate cell design and thick-oxide tunneling injector attain better reliability and manufacturability compared with alternate approaches.SST25VF040B devices significantly improve perfor-
mance and reliability, while lowering power consumption. The devices write (Program or Erase) with a single power supply of 2.7-3.6V for SST25VF040B. The total energy consumed is a function of the applied voltage,current, and time of application. Since for any given voltage range, the SuperFlash technology uses less current to program and has a shorter erase time, the total energy consumed during any Erase or Program operation is less than alternative flash memory technologies. The SST25VF040B device is offered in an 8-lead SOIC (200 mils), 8-lead SOIC (150 mils), and 8-contact WSON (6mm x 5mm) packages. See Figure 2-1 for pin assignments.
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